This farmer from Karnataka successfully cultivated coffee in the plains and earned lakhs of rupees

Successful Farmer: The 83-year-old farmer Gaddi Siddalingappa Basappa of Kombli village in the Vijayanagara district of Karnataka has broken down boundaries by cultivating coffee effectively on the plains, an area usually used for other crops. Coffee is traditionally grown in difficult terrain, but Gaddi overcame the obstacles with perseverance and creative thinking. His story is one of perseverance, hard work, and a strong dedication to organic farming. Gaddi’s efforts not only demonstrated that coffee could flourish in the plains but also generated employment opportunities in the area, inspiring and giving hope to farmers across Karnataka. His tale serves as an example of how passion and perseverance can transform obstacles into incredible successes.

Successful farmer
Successful farmer

The 80 acres of land owned by Siddalingappa’s joint family have historically been used mostly for agriculture. When Siddalingappa visited Shivamogga’s Krishna Nursery in 2018 to buy betel nut seedlings, he saw coffee trees being planted there. Despite the difficulties of producing coffee on the plains, he was intrigued and motivated, so he researched the subject and made the decision to attempt growing it on his own farm.

Establishing the Groundwork for Achievement

Siddalingappa planted coffee on eight acres of his farm. In order to make sure the ground was ready for planting, he treated it with organic fertilizers and medications. In July 2018, he planted 4,000 premium coffee seedlings that he had paid Rs 8 per sapling from Krishna Nursery, making sure there was an 8-foot gap between each plant in a row and between rows.

Cultivating coffee
Cultivating coffee

Siddalingappa, who was dedicated to sustainable farming techniques, developed a drip irrigation system using water from a borewell and followed organic agricultural practices. Watered three times a week, the coffee plants thrived under meticulous crop management.

Gathering the Primary Produce

Siddalingappa’s first crop of coffee in 2021 was the fruit of his labors. He earned a profit of Rs 1.21 lakh by selling the 11 quintals of coffee seeds he produced at sales locations in Chikkamagaluru and Mudigere for Rs 11,000 each. Due to this extraordinary achievement, Siddalingappa decided to target a yield of 15-20 quintals for the next season.

Influence on Diversified Farming and Local Labor

In addition to being a personal success, Siddalingappa’s coffee plantation has produced jobs for the community. Siddalingappa now employs ten regular workers on his farm, despite the fact that many laborers from adjacent taluks travel to areas that cultivate coffee and sugarcane in search of job.

He has grown 4,000 areca nut plants, which have not yet been harvested, in addition to coffee. He has also planted 300 teakwood trees around the plantation to act as shade. With the remaining land, he farms a diverse crop of maize, sugarcane, and rice, providing his family with an annual income of Rs 20–30 lakh.

Overcoming Obstacles

Siddalingappa is disabled, but it doesn’t stop him from being determined. The farm is now managed by his sons, Guddappa, Ramesh, Mahesh, and Basavaraj, who have finished their PUC (Pre-University Course). By working together, they have increased the family’s farming endeavors and enhanced Siddalingappa’s heritage.

Cultivate coffee
Cultivate coffee

Horticulturists Offer Their Opinions

Horticultural authorities claim that coffee is a new crop for the taluk of Huvinhadgali. Still, they think that coffee may be produced here effectively if there’s enough shade and a steady supply of water. The prosperity of Siddalingappa offers hope to other farmers who may be considering growing coffee in the plains.

Gazing Forward

Gaddi Siddalingappa Basappa’s tale is a monument to his inventiveness and perseverance; he built a prosperous farm that produced a wide range of crops and added coffee to his agricultural portfolio. His aspiration of cultivating coffee has come true, and his accomplishments have positively impacted his neighborhood by creating jobs and encouraging others to adopt creative agricultural techniques.

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