This farmer did wonders by cultivating black carrots, earning a profit of 2 lakhs annually

Cultivation of Black Carrot: Phuman Singh Kaurra was raised in a family that farmed wheat and paddy; thus, he was aware of the financial hardships associated with conventional farming. Financial difficulties forced him to drop out of college in his second year, so he worked in the fields with his family as a dairy farm manager. But the money from these endeavors wasn’t sufficient to support them. He started looking at other, more lucrative crops as he realized something had to change.

Cultivation of black carrot
Cultivation of black carrot

A Change to Carrot Farming: The Revolution

Living in the well-known carrot-growing district of Paramjitpura, also called Allupur, Phuman came to the realization that carrot farming may be the revolutionary shift he was looking for. He started doing his own studies by reading books on carrot farming and going to the agricultural university. Armed with this newfound understanding, he made the audacious decision to sow carrot seeds on the 4.5-acre property owned by his family. This choice signaled the start of his road toward transformation.

Overcoming obstacles

At first, the procedure required a lot of physical effort. In order to sell their goods, Phuman and his family had to manually plant carrot seeds and travel great distances to the marketplaces in Jalandhar, Ludhiana, and Amritsar. Their first harvest was successful in spite of these difficulties, giving Phuman the will to go on.

With more expertise, Phuman began using contemporary agricultural methods. He increased productivity by introducing planters and other technology, which greatly increased his produce. As word spread about his superior carrots, purchasers started visiting his farm directly, saving him the trouble of traveling to far-off marketplaces. These days, Phuman mostly sells his carrots in the Himachal Pradesh and Punjabi local markets.

Pay Attention to High-Yield Varieties and Black Carrots

Phuman’s success may be attributed in large part to his concentration on cultivating black carrots, a kind high in carotenoids, polyphenols, and anthocyanins. For many years, black carrots were well-known, but because of their color, people stopped eating them. They’re becoming more and more well-liked now because of their health advantages,” he says. In addition to boosting immunity and heart health, beta-carotene, a component in black carrots, also enhances eyesight.

Phuman’s attention to detail produces outstanding outcomes. On an acre, he yields around 200 quintals of black carrots, which he sells for Rs. 25-30 per kg. Compared to normal carrots, which sell for Rs. 8–13 per kilogram, this pricing is far higher. His strategy of cultivating carrot types that are in great demand has increased his earnings and made him a well-known carrot farmer in the area. He says, “My most profitable crop has been carrots, which yield a profit of about Rs. 2 lakh per acre.”

Supply Chain via Seed Cultivation

Phuman’s adventure extended beyond the production of carrots. He started making seeds around 10 years ago in an effort to establish an agricultural system that was more sustainable. At first, he made seeds just for himself, but as the yield and quality increased, he started making more seeds. He has constructed a seed bank that can grow up to 650 acres of land today.

We had been purchasing seeds from Patiala. Farmers now come to me for seeds from all across the region,” he adds with pride. Selling premium carrot seeds for Rs. 1,000–1,500 per kilogram, Phuman has not only expanded his sources of revenue but also supported the agricultural community by giving others access to high-quality seeds.

Black carrot
Black carrot

Increasing Carrot Production and Financial Gains

Phuman began growing carrots on a modest 4.5-acre plot and has now grown to 50 acres, of which he personally owns 37 and leases the other 13 acres. Carrots have a 90–100 day harvesting cycle and are seeded in September and October. Carrots are harvested by Phuman from December to March, which guarantees optimal yield.

Apart from carrots, he cultivates rice, maize, and brinjal. He acknowledges that his greatest successful business endeavor has been growing carrots, however. Today, he makes around Rs. 1 crore a year from growing carrots and providing seeds.

Acknowledgment and Information Exchange

Phuman’s commitment to growing carrots has not gone unnoticed. Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) scientists often pay him a visit on his farm to see his inventive techniques. Phuman is also enthusiastic about imparting information, and he often offers advice to other farmers. “No young farmer is sent away without their questions being answered,” he says. He also distributes seeds to other farmers so they may begin growing carrots.

Phuman Singh offers a message for fellow farmers after using carrot growing to change his life: “Never give up. To achieve, all you need is perseverance. Nothing is insurmountable.” In addition, he exhorts parents to educate their kids rather than pressuring them to travel. “Teach them to gain knowledge from outside but use it for our country and Indian agriculture,” he suggests.

Phuman Singh Kaurra has become a well-known and prosperous person in the agricultural community thanks to his commitment to learning about carrot growing and seed production and his use of contemporary farming methods.

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