Success Story: This farmer from Assam has made crores of rupees from Muga silk

Success Story: An important component of Assam’s cultural legacy, the ancient Muga silk industry has been successfully resurrected by Tiken Kakati, an entrepreneur and farmer from Maicha Chapori in the Dhemaji region of Assam. Even though Muga yarn is becoming less and less available, his commitment has brought this skill back to life and ensured its survival. His many business endeavors generate an annual revenue of 20–25 lakhs INR, which strengthens his influence in the society and sector.

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With a distinct goal in mind, Tiken set out to plant Som trees, the main food source for Muga silkworms, and raise these silkworms with the highest care. This was the beginning of their adventure into the world of Muga silk. Tiken started by planting Som trees and raising Muga silkworms on a small plot of land. His production of superior Muga yarn was made possible by his unwavering commitment to the art and his profound comprehension of the requirements of the silkworms. Currently, Tiken is one of the most prosperous silk manufacturers in the area, earning an astounding Rs 15 lakh a year from his Muga silk company.

Muga Silk Production

Tiken developed his business progressively as his revenues increased. He started to buy additional acreage in order to boost his output. He now owns 20 bighas of Som tree-devoted property. These trees provide the vital leaves that the silkworms need to eat, which is the lifeblood of his Muga silk industry. Tiken has grown a sizable and prosperous plantation throughout the years, producing around 20 kg of Muga yarn annually.

Muga silk production is a labor-intensive procedure that demands exacting attention to detail. Beginning with the care of the silkworms on the Som trees and ending with the gathering and spinning of the cocoons into yarn, Tiken and his group of devoted employees supervise every step of the endeavour. By taking a hands-on approach, Tiken guarantees that their Muga silk meets market criteria and is of the finest quality.

After the yarn is created, Tiken weaves it into Muga riha, Muga mekhala, and Muga panjabi, three types of traditional Assamese clothing, using four looms. These clothes are exquisite, but they also have a rich cultural history. Muga silk is very sought after because to its rich texture and inherent golden tone, and Tiken’s designs are no exception. They have a reputation for quality and devoted clientele because to their commitment to maintaining and improving the art.

Changing to Agriculture and Livestock

Although Tiken’s primary focus is still producing Muga silk, he has expanded his operations to include other types of farming. Tiken grows a range of crops on his farm near Bardoloni Kamalpur, including mustard and paddy. These harvests add to his total success and provide him an extra source of income. In order to maintain the land’s fertility and productivity, he uses traditional farming techniques that have been handed down through the centuries. His agricultural practices are based on sustainability.

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Tiken has dabbled with livestock husbandry and fish farming in addition to agricultural agriculture. He produces pigs, hens, and ducks in addition to raising fish in three large ponds. In addition to increasing his income, these pursuits provide his family and the community a reliable supply of food. His overall yearly income from these many agricultural pursuits comes to an astonishing 20–25 lakhs INR, confirming his place among the most prosperous businesspeople in the Dhemaji area.

Tiken’s achievement has also helped his neighborhood since it has supported 8–10 households via Muga raising and given employment to 25 local people. His dedication to sustainable business methods and fair pay encourages employee loyalty and empowers others in the Muga silk industry, demonstrating the independence of the Assamese people.

Appreciation and Honors

It is acknowledged that Tiken has made an attempt. The Deputy Commissioner of the Dhemaji district honored him in 2014 for his environmental engagement, especially the planting and preservation of trees. He is well-liked both within and outside of his community because of his commitment to establishing a sustainable and green environment. 2019 saw him win the National Livestock Poultry Show in Guwahati as the best pig farmer from the Dhemaji district, further acknowledging his services to the agricultural industry.

Tiken was recognized more recently when the Sericulture Department of the Assamese government designated him the highest-ranking commercial producer of Muga cocoons for the 2022–2023 year. This esteemed distinction not only recognizes his accomplishments in the Muga silk industry but also emphasizes his contribution to the preservation and development of this significant Assamese sector.

The rise of Tiken Kakati from a modest farmer to a prominent position in the Muga silk industry of Assam is a testament to the value of perseverance, ingenuity, and loyalty to one’s principles. His accomplishments demonstrate that contemporary business and traditional legacy can coexist, which is a source of pride for Assam and the Dhemaji area. Others are motivated by Tiken’s narrative, which shows how traditional crafts and sustainable agriculture can boost local economies and fortify communities.

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