She obtained a high-paying job after receiving a B.Tech and an MBA, but now she is making crores of rupees selling veggies

Smarika Chandrakar Redefines Success: A few courageous people dare to deviate from the norm and redefine success according to their own standards in a society where many others aspire to high-paying employment. One such person whose inspirational path defies traditional professional standards is Smarika Chandrakar. Equipped with a Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science, Smarika took a risk by abandoning her lucrative corporate job to start a new business in a remote town, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

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Originating from Chhattisgarh’s main city of Raipur, Smarika entered the agricultural field with her brother and father. Choosing to cultivate vegetables on a large 20-acre plot, she brought her technical know-how and creative spirit to an otherwise labor-intensive field. Her foresight and commitment soon paid off, as the farm prospered and offered jobs to people in addition to supplying food.

A Journey from Corporate Success to Organic Farming Triumph

Even with her education and her first job as a senior business development executive in the corporate world, Smarika discovered genuine happiness at home. She revolutionized agricultural processes by using her expertise and talents, drawing on her farming history. Through the use of contemporary methods and thorough investigation into methods to increase output, she converted her property into a flourishing center for organic farming.

By using resources like vermicompost and cow manure strategically, Smarika increased soil productivity and fertility. Her farm produced an astounding 50 tons of tomatoes per acre in its first year of operation thanks to her careful approach. Her influence on the town grew along with her company, as she supported the local economy and created jobs.

The Inspiring Journey of Smarika Chandrakar

Smarika Chandrakar is a shining example of tenacity and entrepreneurial drive in the modern world. Despite changing careers in an unusual manner, she has succeeded and opened doors for others to follow their interests and defy expectations. Her tale is a monument to the strength of perseverance and the benefits of stepping outside of one’s comfort zone, and she earns between Rs 1.5 and Rs 2 crore annually.

Smarika’s story serves as a reminder that genuine satisfaction can only be found in accepting change, trusting our gut feelings, and having the bravery to forge our own routes to success in a society where taking risks is sometimes frowned upon.

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