Plum cultivation: Cultivation of this fruit made the farmer a millionaire, know how he got success

Plum cultivation: With the cultivation of plums, forward-thinking farmer Akshaybar Singh of the hamlet of Kotha in Vikaskhand Wazirganj has established a new standard. He began growing plums on two acres of land and now makes lakhs of rupees a year from them.

Plum cultivation
Plum cultivation

Akshaybar Singh worked as a teacher and earned degrees in both BSc and BEd. He made the decision to pursue modern, technological farming after retirement in 2022. He informed the journalists that while farming has always been his passion, he began farming scientifically two years ago.

How did the concept of growing plums originate?

According to Akshaybar Singh, he was inspired to pursue this farming after seeing the production of plums in the Hyderabad and Katra regions of the Basti district. He chose to grow plums after seeing the farmers’ success there.

acquisition of the plant and preliminary procedure

Using YouTube, he located a nursery in Kolkata and placed an order for Bal Sundari Apple Wire, a unique species of plum trees. Since their April planting, these trees have begun to produce fruit in only a single year.

What makes this particular plum variety unique?

According to Akshaybar Singh, this plum, called Bal Sundari Apple Wire, resembles an apple and is much sought-after in the marketplace. It produces large, eye-catching, and delicious fruits. This cultivar is renowned for producing a high yield quickly.

Profits and opportunities from growing plums

Akshaybar Singh asserts that low-cost plum planting may provide a respectable return. His endeavor is also serving as an inspiration to other farmers. According to him, growing plums is not only advantageous but also keeps the soil fertile.

Future strategies

According to Akshaybar Singh, he plans to expand his agricultural operations in the near future and educate other farmers about their advantages. Many local farmers are becoming interested in growing plums as a result of his success.

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