Micro Irrigation Community Scheme: Farmers will get subsidy under this scheme

Micro Irrigation Community Scheme: The economy of Bihar is reliant on agriculture. However, farmers have long struggled with the issue of irrigation. Farmers’ yields have been impacted by Bihar’s irrigation issues. The government, local government, and farmers will need to collaborate to address the irrigation issue. The answers lie in water management, modern technology, and well-executed plans. In the Bihar district of Khagaria, efforts have been initiated in this respect.

Micro irrigation community scheme
Micro irrigation community scheme

Through the Horticulture Department, a goal has been established to address the irrigation issues by providing the local farmers with the advantages of the micro irrigation community project. A grant has also been set up for the farmers under this plan.

Benefits will be given out according to first come, first served.

Khagaria district has set a goal to install eight borings from the Horticulture Directorate, Patna, in light of the area’s limited water supplies. This program may be used collectively by a group of two or more farmers. Farmers will get benefits from the system based on a first-come, first-served basis.

At the same time, the Khagaria District Horticulture Office or the Block Horticulture Officer may be contacted to acquire comprehensive information on the farmer initiative. Let us inform you that the farmers will get the advantage of the initiative at no cost to them. You may file a complaint with the District Agriculture Officer or DM if someone in a position of authority requests a bribe in exchange for the benefit.

Farmers will get subsidies of up to 80%.

Khagaria district horticulture assistant Yashwant Kumar informed the reporters that farmers may purchase in a variety of categories based on their needs. Motors of three to five horsepower are available to farmers. The departmental data indicates that a farmer who belongs to the general caste would get a 50% cost subsidy.

The maximum amount of the subsidy is 36,000. You will get a 70% subsidy if you are a SC-ST. In other words, the maximum amount of the subsidy will be $50,000,400. On the other hand, OBC individuals will benefit from an 80% subsidy. In other words, farmers may get up to 57,600 in subsidies.

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