White Grub: Adopt these measures to protect crops from the infestation of white caterpillars

White Grub: Concerning the safety of their crops, farmers deal with a lot of issues. The white caterpillar invasion in crops has begun recently. The crop is harmed by this insect’s grubs and adults. While grubs harm crop roots by chopping them, adult insects consume a variety of plants and shrubs. As a result, many areas become empty circles as the plants wither, dry up, and are killed.

White grub
White grub

Groundnut, millet, sorghum, chili, sugarcane, sesame, cotton, tobacco, paddy, millet, neem, plum, sheesham, mulberry, acacia, potato, and coconut are among the crops that this bug damages each year by consuming their roots. For your knowledge, Gobarraya keeda is also known as white grub or white caterpillar in scientific circles. White grit is found in raw or unrotted manure because farmers often transport cow dung or compost manure from other locations to their fields, where it sometimes stays underripe or raw.

Mix 3 kg of carbofuran 3% or Quinalphos 5% particles with 15 kg of DAP in one kilogram of seed and sow to reduce white grit in millet. Treat the seeds by dissolving clothianidin 50 W.D.G. at a rate of 2 gm per kg seed (Guli) in water to avoid white grit in groundnut crops. Treat groundnuts with Vitavax 200 WP at a rate of 4 grams per kg of seed to prevent collar rot. Give 4 liters of Chlorpyrifos 20 EC per hectare with irrigation water if termite infestation is seen in groundnut crops. Alternatively, after preparing the field, sprinkle 20–25 kg of Quinalphos per hectare before plowing.

How white grubs should be handled

  • A single farmer’s efforts will not be sufficient to handle a high white grub infestation in your field; instead, community-wide preventative actions will need to be taken by all farmers. The communal approach is the only way to manage white grubs.
  • To expose the pupae to the blazing sun, plow the land thoroughly throughout the summer.
  • Little birds eat these white grubs, so keep them safe.
  • Use organic manure that has decomposed well.
  • Before planting, mix the soil with either Phorate 10 CG @ 25.0 kg/ha or Carbofuran 3 CG @ 33.0 kg/ha.
  • In fields that are prone to grubs, use pesticides such as Thiamethoxam 25 WS @ 1.9 liters/ha or Fipronil 5 FS @ 2.0 liters/ha in the sowing lines.
  • Before planting, treat the seeds in prone regions with either imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 2.0 ml/kg or chlorpyrifos 20EC @ 6.5-12.0 ml/kg.
  • Sow early if there is water available.
  • Apply Chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 4.0 liters/hectare or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 3.2 liters/hectare to the crop roots when adult white grubs are seen in the fields.

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