Wheat Irrigate: Farmers should keep these important things in mind while irrigating wheat

Rabi’s primary crop, wheat, is best irrigated at this time of year. For every crop, irrigation is essential. Because irrigation keeps the soil wet, plants’ roots grow stronger and more deeply ingrained. Strong roots facilitate the plant’s uptake of water and nutrients. When irrigating in such a scenario, farmers should bear a few key points in mind. When irrigating, too much water might harm the crop.

Wheat irrigate
Wheat irrigate

According to Dr. NP Gupta, an agriculture expert assigned to Krishi Vigyan Kendra Niyamatpur, irrigation of the wheat crop requires particular care. Watering wheat plants too much might have an impact on their development. Occasionally, the crop may also perish. When irrigating in such a scenario, it’s critical to remember a few key points.

25 days later, irrigate.

The wheat crop should be irrigated 21 days after it is sown. Although now is a good time to irrigate, farmers may continue to do so for up to 25 days if the land is wet or the weather is chilly. Remember that mild irrigation is not appropriate for loamy soil. The amount of oxygen that reaches the plant roots might be impacted by excessive watering. As a result, the plants’ development halts, and sometimes they die after becoming yellow. Remember that you should only water your plants when the soil is moist.

In sandy soil, keep these points in mind.

Farmers may also add a bit extra water to sandy and yellow soil, but they should be careful not to let the water sit in the wheat crop for too long. Excessive watering has an impact on plant development. This directly affects productivity.

There will be additional shots in this manner.

Shoots develop quickly when the wheat crop is irrigated on time since the plant is most suited to sprouting in 20 to 25 days. During irrigation, shoots will emerge quickly. Due to more shoots, the number of ears will increase, which will give more production.

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