These diseases destroy lentil cultivation, know the expert’s opinion

Lentil Cultivation: Farmers are constantly concerned about their crops and what steps should be taken to ensure their quality. Lentils are currently grown by farmers under such circumstances. Indeed! Although the greenest of lentils in the field is currently worth viewing, lentils are known to suffer from a number of ailments.

Lentil cultivation
Lentil cultivation

The majority of lentil farmers are unable to comprehend this, and ultimately the crop as a whole is ruined. Farmers get dissatisfied as a result, but today we’ll tell you about a method that may be used to solve this significant issue.

Crops are destroyed by this disease

Lentil cultivation is currently underway, according to Prof. Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh, department head of the soil science and agricultural chemistry departments. At this point, the plants are 3 to 4 inches tall. This crop develops a sickness that destroys the entire crop. It is well-known as Uktha sickness. This is followed by the issue of borer insects.

How to save the crop from wilt disease

Wilt disease is the main issue with this crop. It happens for both physical and fungal reasons. Wilt disease may also develop in the field if it is excessively cold or dry. Farmers should do this by keeping the field moist. Use high-spectrum fungicide medications that are on the market if the disease begins.

He advised making a solution of one milliliter of Deltamethrin Decis medication from the store in one liter of water and spraying it on the blossoms when the fruits are ready to develop in order to prevent pod borer insects. We’ll save the whole harvest. No disease or insect will have an impact. There will also be a bumper yield in addition to this.

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