Take these necessary measures to increase mushroom production
Mushroom Cultivation: Nowadays, growing mushrooms is a significant and lucrative aspect of agriculture. With little area and little investment, it may provide a respectable income. However, this presents a variety of challenges for farmers. By understanding these issues and resolving them, mushroom output may be enhanced.
1. Insufficiently high-quality seeds (spawn)
Problem: When growing mushrooms, the quality of the seeds (spawn) is crucial. Farmers often utilize subpar seeds, which has an impact on output.
Purchase seeds from accredited establishments as a solution. Before purchasing the seed, make sure it is fresh and from a reliable supplier. Get yourself trained in spawn creation if you can.
2. Environmental condition management
Problem: Growing mushrooms requires precise control of environmental elements, including temperature, humidity, and ventilation. Production may be lowered if they are not properly managed.
Solution: Install heat insulation in the mushroom home. Maintain humidity by using a ventilation system and water spray. To regulate the temperature, use coolers or heaters.
3. Management of Disease and Pests
Problem: Production of mushrooms may be destroyed by bacterial infections, fungal illnesses, and insect infestations.
Crop rotation is the answer. Between two harvests, properly clean the mushroom chamber. Maintain regular cleanliness of the equipment and production space. Make use of biological control. To avoid infection, make sure there is enough airflow.
4. The absence of basic materials
Issue: When there is a shortage of the raw resources needed to produce mushrooms, including sawdust, wheat straw, and other ingredients, issues often arise.
Solution: Make use of resources that are accessible locally. Find out how raw resources may be preserved. Make effective use of raw commodities.
5. Issues with the Market and Marketing
Issue: Growers of mushrooms sometimes may not get a fair price for their produce. Also, a lack of promotion causes the items to deteriorate.
Solution: Make ties with nearby lodging facilities and merchants. Make pickles, soups, and powders, among other processed mushroom products. Make use of internet marketing tools.
6. Financial and Economic Issues
Problem: Growing mushrooms involves both a one-time and ongoing expenditure, which might be difficult for small growers.
Solution: Utilize government grants and programs. Create cooperative communities. Apply for bank loans for agriculture.
7. Insufficient technological expertise
Issue: A large number of farmers lack knowledge about sophisticated mushroom cultivation techniques and management strategies.
Attend seminars and training as a solution. Make contact with ICAR’s horticulture-based institutions, agricultural colleges, and Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs). Examine literature and internet resources on growing mushrooms.
8. Issues with Transportation and Storage
Issue: mushrooms deteriorate rapidly. If there are no facilities for storage and transportation, this issue becomes worse.
Use cold storage facilities as a solution. Turn mushrooms into processed goods right away. 1. Pack appropriately for shipping.
9. Acceptance in society
Problem: In many places, people have societal preconceptions regarding mushrooms, which might lower demand for them. For instance, it is referred to as cow dung chhata in certain regions. It is seen by some as a non-vegetarian dietary item. These are both incorrect.
Solution: Raise awareness of mushrooms’ dietary and health advantages. Inform the local population about the benefits of mushrooms.
10. Insufficient research and development
Problem: Research on innovative and cutting-edge mushroom-producing techniques is lacking.
Solution: More money should be spent on research and development by the public and commercial sectors. Information regarding new technologies and research should be shared with producers.