Paddy farming : Is the post-transplant temperature increasing? This harmful illness may afflict paddy! Take this precaution to protect yourself

Paddy farming : Paddy for the Kharif crop has been sown. The weather is also changing quickly at this period. In certain areas of Uttar Pradesh, it is pouring severely, while in other others, the temperature is rising. On days when it rains, humidity also continues to rise. As a result, the paddy crop is being affected by several illnesses. These days, the paddy crop also exhibits signs of foot rot and flag disease. It is critical that you treat them on schedule.

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Plant protection disease specialist Dr. Nutan Verma, who is employed at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Niyamatpur, said that although foot rot and flag disease signs were most recently seen in Basmati paddy PB-1692, coarse paddy crop was also impacted in several locations. This disease is mostly preventable if the soil is treated before to planting. If the standing crop exhibits any signs of this disease, take prompt action to control it.

Recognizing the foot rot condition

According to Dr. Nutan Verma, the illness causes the paddy plant’s roots to weaken. The plant stops growing and stays tiny in height. The plant breaks off from the surface if it is dragged by its stem. Because the roots decay and the temperature rises repeatedly, this illness spreads quickly. The factory is destroyed.

How can the crop be safeguarded?

According to Dr. Nutan Verma, the farmer should take quick action if these signs are seen on the plants in the paddy standing crop in the early going. Farmers may either spray by mixing a solution of carbendazim and thiophanate methyl, or they can spray 250 grams of affinate methyl made in 125 to 130 liters of water.

Treat the soil before to transplanting.

According to Dr. Nutan Verma, farmers are continuing transplanting Basmati rice in that location even though the transplantation of coarse paddy has already been completed. When the field is being ploughed for the last time, farmers should introduce Trichoderma to avoid foot rot and flag disease. As a result, the crop has significant protection against this fungus-borne illness.

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