Paddy Crop: This grass causes a lot of damage to paddy crop, take these measures immediately

Paddy Crop: Nearly all farmers have planted paddy in their fields during the middle of the Kharif crop season. For a decent paddy crop and greater yield, farmers put in a lot of labor. Farmers utilize weed control to preserve the paddy crop. They also mow the fields’ grass at the same time. Nevertheless, a variety of grass species may be found in the fields, greatly harming the paddy crop. Motha grass is one of them; it utterly devastates the paddy crop. The crop in the field where Motha grass grows is said to be totally destroyed. Motha is green, according to Dr. Mukul Kumar, the Agriculture Department’s Plant Protection Expert.

Paddy-crop. Jpeg

Its triangular leaves and well rooted roots both reach deep into the earth. When these leaves dry and get rigid, they become black. Once the paddy was transplanted, he instructed the farmers to save water in the fields. If fields are kept wet for 15 to 30 days after paddy transplantation, weeds are suppressed and grow extremely sparingly. After transplanting paddy, farmers often forget to water it, which causes weeds and grass to develop in the fields. If the rice crop was sown fifteen days ago, it should be kept thirty days immersed in water.

Utilize these medications in addition

Dr. Mukul Kumar says farmers may use Pentamethalin Namni Gold together with Fluchloroline (Basalin) 1000-1500 to stop weeds from sprouting in their crops. In addition, growers may safeguard their crops by using Pendimethylene 30 EC, Protein Fluor Oxyfluorfen, Beauty Fluor 50% EC, and Pyrazosulfuran Ethyl WP. Experts in agriculture have suggested that farmers use this medication twice or three times if they so want. As an alternative, you may consult a specialist in agriculture, choose a herbicide appropriate for your region, and apply it to your fields to eradicate this plant.

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