Onion Crop Diseases: Know how to solve Stemphylium blight disease in onion growers
Onion Crop Diseases: In March, there are onion plants sprouting in the fields. Under such circumstances, several illnesses deteriorate these plants because of the rising temperatures. A fungal disease called stemphylium blight harms the plant’s leaves and stems in onion harvests. March and April are the months when this sickness spreads the most. Little brown or yellow spots appear on the leaves as a result of this illness, and then the leaves begin to dry up and fall. According to Deepika Bhatt, an agricultural specialist from Dehradun who spoke with the media, the onion plant’s yellow or brown patches eventually become dark brown or black. The leaves then often begin to dry out and fall. As a result, the plant’s growth comes to an abrupt halt.

According to him, a fungus known as Stemphylium vesicarium is the primary cause of Stemphylium blight, a dangerous fungal disease that affects onion plants. This sickness is most prevalent in March and April, when the temperature stays between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius and the environment is quite humid. There are several ways to stop it, including seed treatment, drainage, and crop rotation.
Stemphylium Blight Symptoms
Small, yellow or brown dots that eventually become dark brown or black on the leaves are one of the disease’s symptoms, according to Deepika Bhatt. The leaves begin to dry out and fall off as the illness worsens, which halts plant development and negatively impacts productivity. As a result, the farmer experiences financial loss and is unable to produce in accordance with the field’s capability.
These actions may be successful
He said that you may manage this sickness by implementing certain measures if you see symptoms associated with it in the fields. Crop rotation, drainage, seed treatment, organic fungicides, and chemical sprays (such as mancozeb or carbendazim) are all required. With timely and appropriate care, this illness may be managed. In addition, neem decoction or neem oil spray may be used in the early stages of home treatments to prevent the illness from spreading. Early detection and prompt treatment are critical for preserving onion plants from Stemphylium blight. Chemical medications and effective agricultural management may lessen the impact of this illness.