Moong Farming Tips: Cultivation of this pulse will generate bumper income in just 55 days

Moong Farming Tips: Many farmers take the Pedi crop after harvesting sugarcane, while other farmers’ fields are becoming empty. Farmers may plant a crop that is ready in fewer days in such a scenario. Farmers may get a substantial revenue at a very minimal cost if they utilize the fields appropriately throughout the Zaid season. Farmers in particular may grow pulse crops. Moong in pulses may be grown by farmers. Moong doesn’t need much watering. Only better moong cultivars should be sown. In addition, cultivating pulse crops increases the soil’s fertility.

Moong farming tips
Moong farming tips

According to Dr. NC Tripathi, an agriculture specialist stationed at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Niyamatpur, farmers may now grow moong. Moong cultivation improves the soil’s fertility. The roots of moong contain rhizobium, which is excellent for the soil’s health. In 55 to 65 days, the moong crop is mature and ready. Farmers make a big profit as a result. Additionally, Moong doesn’t need irrigation. Moong may be sown by farmers between the first week of March and April 15.

Prior to planting, bear these points in mind

Prior to planting moong, make sure the field is properly prepared by using a disc harrow to plow it while it is sufficiently damp. When plowing the field for the last time, combine 40 kilograms of MOP and 100 kg of SSP per hectare. After that, level the land and plant the seeds, leaving 40 cm between lines and 15 to 20 cm between plants. Utilizing the seeds after doing a study prior to planting is crucial. Research one kilogram of seeds using 2.5 grams of carbendazim. Purifying the seeds will prevent illnesses from infecting the crop and result in a high-quality product. Remember that one acre requires 10 to 12 kg of seeds.

Improved moong variants are available

Selecting high-quality seeds is crucial while planting moong. According to Dr. NC Tripathi, farmers should plant Samrat, Pusa Vishal, and Jyoti if they wish to receive a high yield quickly. Additionally, remember to only purchase seeds from reputable companies.

When should moong farms be irrigated?

After 25 to 30 days of seeding, water the moon; the next watering may be done 10 to 15 days later. Remember that when weeding is done while the field is sufficiently wet, weeds won’t appear and the soil will have air circulation, which will result in a healthy moong crop.

After harvesting, do this task

In 55 to 60 days, the moong crop ripens and becomes ready. Farmers should shatter and split the moong beans on the field itself in such a scenario. In the field itself, plow the moong plants later and combine them with the soil. As a result, the soil will contain more organic carbon. In the next paddy harvest, fewer fertilizers will be needed.

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