Major Diseases of Peas: Do these things to protect the pea crop from diseases; known

Major Diseases of Peas: Vegetables, often referred to as garden peas or green peas (Pisum sativum), are prone to a number of illnesses that have a major impact on their productivity and development in India throughout the winter months. For agriculture to be effective, these diseases must be managed. In India, growing vegetable peas is a major part of the winter crop, making a substantial contribution to both exports and home consumption. However, a number of illnesses may make pea farming less successful. A healthy pea crop and the reduction of these diseases’ effects depend on effective management.

Major diseases of peas
Major diseases of peas

Major Pea Illnesses

Erysiphe Pisi, or Powdery Mildew Disease

The disease’s symptoms include slowed development and white, powdery patches on leaves. select sulfur fungicides, keep a suitable spacing for air circulation, and select resistant cultivars to handle it.

Downy Mildew (Peronospora Viciae)

This disease results in purple staining on the bottom leaf surface and yellowing on the upper leaf surface. Plant resistant cultivars, use appropriate watering techniques, and, if required, use fungicides to control this disease.

Blight caused by Ascochyta Pisi

Leaf drop is the result of this disease’s black, concentric-ringed lesions on leaves. To control this disease, foliar fungicide use, seed treatment, and crop rotation are advised.

Fusarium oxysporum, or Fusarium wilt

Pea leaf withering, lower leaf yellowing, and vascular staining are all symptoms of this illness. Use crop rotation, soil solarization methods, and resistant cultivars to control this disease.

Rhizoctonia Solani, or Root Rot

Plant withering and brown lesions on the roots are the disease’s primary symptoms. Use well-drained soil, enhance drainage, and use fungicides as necessary to control this.

Infestation of Aphids (Different Species)

Leaf curling, reduced growth, and honeydew excretion are all symptoms of an aphid infestation. Use insecticidal soap, reflecting mulch, and natural predators to control this.

PEMV, or Pea Enation Mosaic Virus

Stunted growth and a mosaic pattern on leaves are the disease’s primary symptoms. Use virus-free seeds, regulate aphid vectors, and get rid of sick plants as soon as possible to prevent this disease. Take the following actions to control winter vegetable pea diseases:…

Choose resistant cultivars

Choose pea cultivars that are resistant to common illnesses that are widespread in the region.

Rotating crops

Crop rotation may disrupt the disease cycle and lessen the buildup of soil-borne pathogens.

The Right Distance

Plants should be spaced apart enough to allow for optimal aeration, which lowers the danger of foliar diseases.

Treatment of Seeds

To avoid soil-borne illnesses, apply fungicides to seeds before sowing.

The Best Irrigation

Establish a well-planned watering program to avoid waterlogging, which may lead to the development of illness.

Solarization of Soils

Reduce soil-borne infections by solarizing the soil before planting.

Management of Integrated Pests (IPM)

Use natural predators and suitable cultural strategies to manage aphids and other pests by using IPM approaches.

Harvesting in Time

To lessen the effects of viral illnesses, harvest peas when they are at the proper age.

After-Harvest Cleaning

To stop illnesses from spreading to the next planting season, remove and destroy agricultural waste.

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