Maize Cultivation: To protect the corn crop from pests, spray these medicines
Maize Cultivation: In Rajnandgaon district, a lot of farmers have grown maize. In maize agriculture, the stem borer insect infestation is evident. The Agriculture Department has encouraged farmers to prevent the spread of this bug, but farmers are looking concerned as a result. Things farmers may use to prevent the stem borer infestation.

The stem borer insect infestation in the maize crop is evident, according to Dr. Birendra Anant, assistant director of the Rajnandgaon district’s agriculture department. The farmers are concerned as a result. In a stem borer infestation, the insect targets the tree’s stem. It begins to consume the stem section. This occurs when the root fails to provide the necessary nutrients, causing the plant to grow very heated. The plant entirely dries out. There are several pesticides on the market for this. It may be used and sprayed to prevent its outbreak.
Insecticide Spraying is Required
This is something that farmers should constantly monitor. It allows crops to be protected against stem borer disease. To keep stem borer away from maize, pesticides may be applied. In addition to this, the land has to be cleared of old weeds and residues. These steps may be taken to prevent stem borer infestations in maize where insecticides are sprayed. Within the first 15 to 20 days after the bug infestation, apply the medication.
Mist These Medications
Reapply insecticides ten to fifteen days apart. Apply Cloda insecticide. Spray monocrotophos 36 EC to protect maize crops from stem borer disease, apply carbofuran 3 percent granular insecticide, and apply dimethoate and thiamethoxam medication.