Iceberg cultivation: If you want to earn profits in lakhs, then cultivate this foreign vegetable
Iceberg cultivation: Over the last several years, our nation has seen a sharp rise in demand for imported veggies. Due to the increased popularity of exotic veggies among the local population, farmers are making excellent money growing them. We are discussing iceberg, sometimes referred to as lettuce, in this sequence. Farmers are finding that growing it is lucrative. A green cash crop, iceberg is also reasonably priced in markets and shopping centers. Farmers get a decent price and profit since this green crop is utilized in many different recipes, including as salad, burgers, and pizza.

What kind of soil is it grown in?
Although iceberg may be grown in a variety of soil types, sandy and granular loam soils are thought to be the best for this, with temperatures as low as -6.8. This vegetable does not grow well in acidic or water-retaining soil. Ashok Kumar, a farmer from Piprahan village in the Harakh block region of the Barabanki district, began growing foreign vegetables around the same time. were he made more money. He is growing iceberg in around one and a half bighas today. Through this farming, he is making almost one lakh rupees in profit every harvest.
Demand is higher here.
“Although I primarily cultivate foreign vegetables,” iceberg farmer Ashok Kumar told the journalists. I now have one and a half bighas with icebergs planted in them. In this case, the profit is around one lakh rupees every crop, whereas the expense is roughly ten to twelve thousand rupees per bigha. as iceberg is often seen in fast food items like pizza, burgers, and momos. In addition, it is consumed uncooked. Its seeds are ordered from Delhi. Like other vegetables, it is grown, and supermarkets and shopping centers mostly sell it.
It is simple to grow.
“It is very simple to cultivate,” he adds. We plow the land two or three times after first preparing a nursery of its seeds. After that, we mist it with organic manure and vermicompost. The Iceberg plants are then planted once the land has been flattened. It must be watered right away after this. The crop is then ready for us to harvest and sell in the marketplaces, having only been planted for 60 to 65 days.