Guava gardening : This plant, native to Japan, produces more than two tons of fruit in only 1.5 years and only yields fruit three times a year

Guava gardening: Would you trust us if we told you that growing guava may bring in a sizable revenue for any farmer three times a year? The majority of people won’t accept it. To provide you with hard evidence of this, we will now share the story of a farmer from the West Champaran region who planted a unique kind of guava, picked the fruits twice in a year and a half, and made over 1.5 lakh rupees in net profits. What’s unexpected is that the fruit began to ripen on the tree the year it was planted. However, it is now known that it is improper to pick fruits in the first year. However, the second year after growing the plant is when harvesting benefits may be obtained.

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In the first year of planting, fruiting began.

One such farmer in the district is Ajay Dubey, who lives in Dularpatti village under the Yogapatti block. He has grown a wide variety of crops, fruits, and vegetables. Ajay planted eighty Japanese Red Diamond type guava trees in around a quarter of an acre in January 2023. It may surprise you to learn that by October or November, every plant that was planted in January had produced fruit. Ajay said he was totally taken aback by the plants’ fruiting in the first year. He only gathered from 20 plants, which yielded roughly 290 kg of guava, given the tiny size of the plants.

1900 kg of guavas bearing fruit in 1.5 years

Ajay claims that the market price for guava was Rs 80 per kg because of its enormous size and high quality. In such a scenario, planting the seedlings brought him up to twenty-five thousand rupees in only ten months. What matters most in this case is that he has already gathered fruit twice from the plants that were planted in January 2023 by August 2024. In August 2024, the 19th month after planting, he gathered over 1600 kg of guava from 80 plants, compared to 290 kg in the tenth month of planting.

This guava species is unique.

It is noteworthy that he has secured a favorable price for guava on the market this time around as well. 1600 kg of guava were sold, bringing approximately 1 lakh 15 thousand rupees for him. As you can see, Ajay has made almost 1.5 lakh rupees from guava gardening alone in only 1.5 years. A guava variety known as Japanese Red Diamond yields fruit three times a year, claims agricultural specialist Ravikant Pandey. Nonetheless, harvesting fruits from the plants during their first year of growth is inappropriate for their wellbeing. However, fruit may be picked as early as the second year.

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