Gram Cultivation: Keeping these points in mind while cultivating gram will result in a big harvest

Gram Cultivation: India has a number of significant crops, among which gram is one of the most significant. It is a legume crop that also helps to raise the soil’s fertility. If you are growing gram as well, bear in mind the points that are discussed here.

Keeping these points in mind while cultivating gram will result in a big harvest

Legume crops like gram are cultivated in arid, chilly climates. It does best at temperatures between 10 and 30 degrees. Gram-like sandy loam or loamy soil that drains well. The ideal range for the soil’s pH is 6.0 to 7.5. In North India, the best period to plant gram is from October to November. In contrast, South India completes its seeding between September and October.

Farmers may choose a gram variety according on the local soil and environment. Rows of gram are sown. Maintain a 30-45 cm space between rows and a 10-15 cm space between plants. Plant the seeds 4–5 cm down.

These are the crucial elements

Before planting in the field, farmers should apply ten to fifteen tons of cow dung manure per hectare. During germination, blooming, and fruit production, gram requires watering. Pests and diseases of many kinds may target the gram crop. Farmers should thus take the appropriate precautions to avoid it. They must promptly spray the proper medications. It’s time to harvest the gram crop when 80–90% of the pods turn yellow and the leaves begin to fall. Harvesting this crop may be done by hand or by machine.

When to water

Reports state that crops need to be irrigated in order to keep pests away. It is recommended that farmers irrigate twice, around 50 to 55 days after the first irrigation and one more within 100 days.

How to increase the yield

Sow the suggested types in a field free of diseases to maximize gram production. Apply rhizobium culture to the seeds before to planting. Plant the seeds row-by-row and the manure by pouring technique. Control the pod borer.

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