Flower Farming: Keep these things in mind while cultivating marigold flowers

Flower Farming: You may grow marigold flowers in your field if you’re a farmer and wish to make a solid living from farming at a minimal cost. Although this crop has a cheap cost, it yields a big return. Every religious celebration uses marigold flowers. It is in great demand in such a scenario. Marigold flowers were not grown in Sirohi area until a few years ago, but today farmers are growing them as well. On around one bigha of land in his field, farmer Mohanlal Parmar has grown marigold flowers in the district’s Kharat Tartoli hamlet.

Flower farming
Flower farming

Four to five times a year, flowers blossom.

According to farmer Mohanlal, marigolds are first sown during the wet season. While some farmers create their own seedlings, many maintain premade ones. In July, he put the seedlings into the ground. Here, a drip system is used to provide insecticides and water to the plants. Winter is when flower plucking begins.One plucking yields one and a half to two quintals of blooms. In a season, it is picked four to five times.This came to around ten thousand dollars. This generates between forty and fifty thousand dollars in a season. Some flowers scorch and become black because of the intense cold. As a result, the farmer should take precautions against this.

A cold temperature is ideal for growing marigolds.

Marigold is mostly a crop for cold climates. This environment is favorable for marigold because of the pleasant winters in the Abu Road region. In chilly climates, marigold growth and bloom quality are excellent. Marigold is grown in all three seasons—monsoon, winter, and summer—depending on the climate. From the first week of July, seeds are sown 15 days apart, and the crop is harvested between October and April.

Marigolds thrive on soil that retains water.

Marigolds may be cultivated in a variety of soil conditions. Marigold thrives on soil that retains water and is fertile. A lot of sunshine is necessary for marigold crops. Although it grows well when planted in the shade, many of the blooms do not blossom.

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