Dragon Farming: Cultivate this unique fruit with these tips, you will get tremendous benefits

Dragon Farming: The demand for imported fruits has been rising quickly during the last several years. These fruits also contain dragon fruit. Farmers’ interest in cultivating it has grown along with the demand. Growing dragon fruit brings quite a lot of money for many farmers. Agricultural specialists discuss what to do, how to do it, and what not to do while growing dragon fruit with media. You will make enormous income if you keep these points in mind while farming.

Dragon farming
Dragon farming

Dragon fruit is well-known worldwide.

The dragon fruit plant, also known as Kamalam in India, is a kind of climbing cactus. Pitaya is its well-known name around the globe. It is well-known around the globe for its many health advantages in addition to its color and texture. In India, imports of dragon fruit began at 327 tonnes in 2017 and grew quickly to 9,162 tonnes in 2019. It is anticipated that imports would reach 11,916 and 15,491 tonnes in 2020 and 2021, respectively.

Moreover, it may be cultivated on dry terrain.

With economic output in the first year and full production in three to four years, dragon fruit growing yields very quick returns. The plants are almost 20 years old. After two years of plant planting, the average economic production is 10 tons per acre. A study conducted by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute found that dragon fruit can be produced in arid environments and doesn’t need a lot of water.

In only one month, you will begin to make money.

Famous agricultural expert Babu Lal Maurya said in a special interview with media that the ideal temperature range for growing dragon fruit is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius; however, in places like Uttar Pradesh, summer temperatures sometimes rise significantly. Farmers may use a net to shield their dragon fruit crop from the heat in such circumstances.

Another option is to mist the trees with water for ten to five minutes, if you’d like. The temperature will drop as a result. According to him, planting high-quality dragon fruit seeds and paying close care to the nursery would not only increase output but also enable you to start making money sooner. It typically takes two years for dragon fruit to yield fruit. However, if you choose the correct approach, you will begin to make money within a year and a half.

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