Cucumbers Cultivation: Adopt this method for cucumber cultivation

Cucumbers Cultivation: In addition, farmers may grow a few of these vegetables in the winter and make significant earnings in a shorter amount of time. Today, we’ll talk about how to cultivate some of those crops, like cucumbers, from which farmers can make a nice living. due to the fact that there is a steady, year-round demand for cucumbers. This crop grows in a matter of days. It is crucial for farmers to choose quality varieties and cultivate at the appropriate time in order to increase production.

Cucumbers cultivation
Cucumbers cultivation

Know the best soil to plant cucumbers in.

Although sandy and loamy soil with adequate drainage is necessary for cucumber growth, it may also be cultivated in friable and loamy soil. Farmers should concentrate on crops with low costs and big profits at the same time. One such crop that farmers are now reaping healthy revenues from is cucumber.

Grower Pankaj Yadav, who lives in the hamlet of Badinagar in the Barabanki district, grows cucumbers and makes thousands of rupees in profit. He is growing cucumbers in around two bighas right now. Through this farming, he is making between one and one and a half lakh rupees in profit.

The farmer who grows cucumbers revealed

The journalists was informed by farmer Pankaj Yadav that he has been growing mostly vegetables for a number of years. He now has cucumbers planted in around two bighas, and they are growing and yielding well. Cucumber cultivation decreases throughout the winter months. due of its lower yield. Simultaneously, he is growing it on a stretcher, which costs around 15 to 16 thousand rupees per bigha and yields a profit of 1.5 to 1.5 lakh rupees.

Growing cucumbers is really simple.

The field is plowed first. After that, the whole field is ridged, and foil is stretched out. Next, slightly apart, cucumber seeds are placed in it. after the plant begins to develop. Then, he uses a string to bind the plant. where irrigation occurs. Two months later the crop begins to emerge, ready for harvesting and market sale.

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