Coriander Sowing Tips: Do these remedies before sowing coriander, there will be a shower of money
Coriander Sowing Tips: The fields are now empty in March after the harvest of potatoes and mustard. Farmers may make a healthy profit at a reasonable cost by planting green coriander in these vacant areas. In fact, the market’s supply of green coriander declines throughout the summer. Under such circumstances, growing green coriander now will provide a healthy reward in the future.

March and April are ideal for growing coriander, according to Dr. NC Tripathi, an agriculture specialist stationed at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Niyamatpur. In March, plough the field thoroughly to eradicate the weeds. Next, irrigate and add manure from decaying cow dung. While there is enough moisture, plow the land once more. Once the field has been plowed, use a rotavator to fine-tune the soil and apply DAP and potash. Run a pata after that to equalize the field. After that, you may create little beds in the paddy field to plant coriander.
Use this Technique to Sow Paddy
Hisar Sugandh is the greatest coriander cultivar to grow. This cultivar produces excellent results. It germinates quickly and with high quality. The seeds of coriander are soaked in a jute bag prior to being planted in the field. Coriander seeds are then planted in the field. It begins to germinate after three to four days. The coriander crop takes 35 to 40 days to mature. which, when sold on the market, fetches a fair price.
Benefits of Growing Coriander
When coriander is grown methodically, one hectare yields around ten quintals of coriander. The green coriander crop yields many cuttings. It costs between Rs 250 and Rs 300 per kilogram on the market throughout the summer. For this reason, it is stated that growing coriander throughout the summer months brings in a lot of money.