Agriculture Tips: This is how farmers can save their crops from the wrath of frost

Agriculture Tips: Given the weather and temperature, farmers should begin planting late wheat. Farmers should maintain the seed rate at 125 kg per hectare for optimal yield. Combine 4 liters of Chlorpyrifos 20% EC with 80–100 kg of soil, distribute it uniformly over one acre, and provide light watering to control termites in standing wheat and barley crops. Beginning right now, begin weed control efforts for the late-planted mustard crop.

Agriculture tips
Agriculture tips

Before transplanting, apply FYM and potash fertilizers entirely in the fields. Experts advise closing the poly house’s top vents but leaving the side curtains open for one to two hours in the afternoon. Cover nurseries and little fruit plants with polythene sheets or reed on the north side to shield them from chilly winds.

Spinosad medication spray

Mature broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage plants may be moved by farmers onto raised beds. Keep a close eye out for insects that consume crops’ leaves. If there are a lot of insects, combine 1.0 gram of BT with one liter of water or 1.0 mm of spinosad medication with three liters of water, then spray.

When purchasing agricultural equipment, use caution.

With subsidies, farmers may purchase agricultural equipment valued at over one lakh rupees. at order to do this, the dealer must write the laser-cut serial number at a location that is visible from the front on the main frame of the machinery. The agricultural equipment will not be eligible for subsidies if the laser-cut serial number is not shown on it. This revision to the guidelines was made by the Agriculture Department in an effort to curb the practice of exchanging agricultural equipment and receiving subsidies for previously acquired equipment.

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