Know how dragon fruit farming changed the fortune of this farmer?

Dragon Fruit Cultivation: A farmer from Vafle village in the Solapur district named Digambar Chavan decided to stray from conventional farming and pursue a different path. In June 2023, he began growing dragon fruit, and within a year, he made up to Rs 2.5 lakh. This was a significant shift for him since, in contrast to conventional crops, it turned out to be a novel and successful experiment.

Dragon fruit cultivation
Dragon fruit cultivation

Invested in the production of dragon fruit

Digambar Chavan conducted an extensive study on the production of dragon fruit. He planted dragon fruit on 200 sticks on an acre of land to determine whether or not this fruit could be cultivated there. He spent between Rs 1 and Rs 1.5 lakh on this. His efforts paid off, and within a year he began to make a respectable living thanks to the proper agricultural practices and technology.

Excellent profits from the first crop

When the first harvest was ready in June 2024, the merchants purchased it right away. In the marketplaces of Kolhapur, Pune, Mumbai, and Solapur, Digambar Chavan sold dragon fruit. In the wholesale market, he was able to get a price of between Rs 100 and Rs 150 per kilogram, increasing his overall revenue to Rs 2.5 lakh. Compared to conventional crops, this revenue was much higher.

One-time production, ten-year profit

The main characteristic of dragon fruit is that it might take 10 to 12 years to produce once it is planted. Digambar Chavan claims that while this crop is less expensive and water-intensive, there is a significant chance of profit. This explains why other farmers in the Solapur area are increasingly becoming interested in this kind of cultivation.

Motivation for farmers

Nowadays, a lot of farmers visit Digambar Chavan’s farm to learn more about growing dragon fruit. Because it is turning out to be a low-risk and high-profit crop, they are eager to embrace it. Digambar Chavan has encouraged farmers to use this agricultural technique as it can undoubtedly provide a high revenue at a minimal cost.

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