Paddy Cultivation: Farmers will get bumper yield by cultivating this new variety of paddy

Paddy Cultivation: Those farmers who grow paddy have excellent news. Paddy will now provide a good crop even during droughts. This paddy will also be sown immediately. It won’t be necessary to plant the nursery beforehand. In about 115 to 120 days, the crop will be ready if it is directly sprinkled on the fields.

Paddy cultivation
Paddy cultivation

In fact, researchers from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in Patna have created a new rice type. ‘Swarn Purvi Paddy-4’ is its name. It was created by Dr. Santosh Kumar, a top scientist at the institution, and his group. He said that even in drought situations when there is a continuous water issue, this aerobic rice type produces greater results. It requires less work and water to grow.

What is this paddy’s specialty?

Scientists created the aerobic rice cultivar “Swarn Purvi Paddy-4.” It is a sophisticated kind of paddy that can withstand drought. In places where water is scarce, it is more beneficial. After sowing, the harvest is ready in 115 to 120 days. The grain is robust and lengthy. There are 61.9% whole rice grains in it. For a yield of 45 to 50 quintals per hectare, 25 to 30 kilograms of seeds must be sown per hectare.

Capacity to combat insects and illnesses

According to scientist Dr. Santosh Kumar, it can also withstand drought and produce a decent crop with minimal water. It is capable of combating diseases including blast, brown spot, and leaf sheath blight. It can also combat insects like leaf rollers and stem borer. In addition to this, it conserves 35–40% of water.

Planting this month

Direct sowing of Swarn Purvi Paddy 4 is possible till June 15th, or before the onset of the monsoon season. Medicine may be sprayed 24 to 27 hours after direct seeding to stop weeds from sprouting. It is possible to harvest this paddy until October 15th after sowing it in June. Rabi crops may then be planted on schedule. Some farmers may get its seeds this season, according to scientist Dr. Santosh Kumar. The remainder will be accessible to all farmers starting in the next season.

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