Sesame cultivation is very beneficial for farmers, it gives huge profits in a short time

Sesame Cultivation: In India, one of the main oilseed crops planted for oil extraction during the Kharif season is sesame. Despite using less water and being inexpensive, this crop produces a decent yield. Oil, confections, and Ayurvedic medications all include sesame seeds. Farmers may find that growing it is a lucrative alternative. Will tell everything about the ideal climate, soil, seed selection and planting period for sesame cultivation.

Sesame cultivation
Sesame cultivation

Ideal Soil and Climate for Growing Sesame

  • The ideal environment for sesame growth is said to be hot and dry.
  • It needs a temperature of 25 to 35 degrees Celsius to flourish well.
  • Light sandy loam or alluvial soil is ideal for its growth.
  • Waterlogging may ruin a crop, so soil that drains well is ideal.

Time of Planting and Seed Selection

  • There are several types of sesame, including TKG-306, TKG-55, Prabhat, Krishna, and others.
  • When choosing seeds, utilize certified high-quality seeds.
  • It is planted in Rabi from September to October and in Kharif from June to July.
  • The ideal spacing between seeds is 25–30 cm, with a depth of 3–4 cm.

Management of Manure and Irrigation

  • The sesame crop doesn’t need a lot of water.
  • It takes two to three irrigations to keep the land wet.
  • It is recommended to do the first watering 25–30 days after seeding and the second irrigation during blooming.
  • Crop production may be increased by using organic manure in a balanced way, such as cow dung manure, vermicompost, and fertilizers that include nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash.

Control of Disease and Pests

  • Sesame crops are susceptible to a wide range of pests and diseases, including leaf spot disease, whiteflies, and stem borers.
  • Organic insecticides may be used to protect the crop.
  • Disease prevention requires frequent field inspections and seed treatment.

Harvesting and Production

  • The sesame crop takes 75 to 90 days to mature.
  • When 70–80% of the pods turn yellow, it’s time to harvest.
  • Sesame yields range from 5 to 7 quintals per hectare on average, but with proper care, they may reach 10 quintals.

Benefits of Growing Sesame

  • Low Cost, Big Profit: Farming is less expensive since it requires less fertilizer and irrigation.
  • Climate Suitability: Even in arid regions, this crop may provide a high yield since it is drought resistant.
  • Demand in the Market: Products such as sesame oil are always in high demand.
  • Enhances land fertility: Growing sesame maintains soil fertility and gets it ready for other crops.

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