Carrot Grass: This grass is the biggest enemy of crops, use this medicine to destroy it
Carrot Grass: Farmers have long struggled with the issue of weeds. Crop yield declines as a result. New agricultural diseases are becoming more likely. Additionally, the soil’s nitrogen levels are declining. However, among weeds, carrot grass is thought to be the most harmful. In the field, this grass spreads quickly. Numerous crops are harmed by this.
According to Dr. Arvind Kumar, an agricultural scientist at ISECT University in Taraba Kharwa, Hazaribagh, this issue is not brand-new. Carrot grass causes farmers to suffer significant losses. The agricultural productivity may drop by 20 to 30 percent as a result. It may spread quickly from one area to another if treatment is delayed.
Destroying carrot grass is a difficult task.
Moreover, carrot grass is difficult to eradicate. As a result, it appears in all crops. Low-height crops are particularly susceptible to harm by this grass. The best course of action, according to the doctor, is to have it removed by hand at the appropriate moment and buried outside the field. As the plant matures, grains emerge from it, which may dry out and disperse throughout the field.
One may utilize medicine.
In addition, carrot grass may be rid of by using medication. Farmers may do this by applying Toford medication or Atrazine to their crops. However, this raises the risk of crop damage. Finding carrot grass, pulling it up, and burying it in the ground is preferable.