Potato Farming: Farmers should cultivate potatoes with these tips, there will be huge profit
Potato Farming: One important cash crop is the potato. Every household uses it in one way or another. It contains large amounts of protein, starch, vitamin C, and mineral salts. Producing more potatoes via timely seeding of high-yielding cultivars, balanced fertilizer application, appropriate pesticide usage, and water management may boost income. An essential component of potato farming is irrigation.

After germination, potatoes should get their initial watering. Light watering should then be applied every ten to twelve days. In India, potatoes are grown almost everywhere. Farmers also grow potatoes on a huge scale, particularly in Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh. This is wonderful news for Sonbhadra farmers who are intending to plant potatoes in such a scenario. because the agricultural specialist provided some unique advice for growing potatoes in a special interview with media.
Guidelines for planting potatoes
The unique aspect is that growers should utilize 25 to 30 quintals of seeds per hectare for this. Loamy and sandy loamy soils with plenty of organic matter are ideal for growing potatoes. Good yields are obtained by sowing mid-season cultivars, such as Kufri Pukhraj, Kufri Arun, Kufri Lalima, and Kufri Bahar, in the first week of November. Kufri Badshah, Kufri Sindoori, Kufri Deva, and other late-sowing tasks should be completed by the middle of December.
Pay attention to the temperature.
A winter crop is the potato. It requires a temperature of 22 to 24 degrees Celsius for germination and early growth, and 18 to 20 degrees Celsius for tuber development. Before planting, mix 55 kg of urea, 87 kg of DAP or 250 kg of single super phosphate, and 80 kg of MOP per acre into the soil to make it friable. This may be done by three to four deep plowings. Add 45 kg of urea to the field 30 days after seeding.
Remember these items as well.
Before planting, remove potatoes from the cold storage and place them in the shade for seven to eight days. Cut the potatoes and plant them if they are large. However, each piece should weigh between 35 and 40 grams. At least two healthy eyes should be present in each component. Ten to twelve quintals of tubers will thus be needed for every acre. The seeds should be treated with three percent boric acid, pensicuran (manserin), 250 milliliters per eight quintals of tubers, or penflufen (emesto), before being sown.
When sowing, make sure the field has enough moisture.
One row’s second row should be kept 50–60 cm apart. Plant tubers 15 cm apart from one another. According to Tribhuvan, the in-charge agricultural official, in order to cultivate potatoes in Sonbhadra soil, the field must first be plowed using a rota cultivator to soften the soil. In addition to this, potato seeds must be cleaned before being planted.