Carrot Cultivation: Adopt this great method in carrot cultivation for bumper yield, you will earn in lakhs

Carrot cultivation tips: There are only a few days left for the monsoon to end, which is a favorable time for farmers. This is the time when farmers can grow special crops and earn a lot of profit. By cultivating carrots, farmers can get a good harvest in a very short time. Carrots are generally considered very good for our health. It is good for eyesight as it is rich in Vitamin A. Carrots are also in great demand in the markets, as it is recommended to eat it to increase immunity. In such a situation, farmers can grow carrot crop and sell it at tremendous prices.

Carrot cultivation tips
Carrot cultivation tips

Are you familiar with the effective technique of planting carrots?

How do grow carrots?

It is said that carrots grow best in muddy, sandy or uneven soil. It is advisable to plow the area well two to three times before sowing. Now dig the soil on the land on which there is cow dung or rotten manure. You may need four to six kilos of seeds to plant one hectare of carrots. At this time, preparation of the field has to be done, in which long curved beds have to be made, in which the seeds have to be buried in the soil to a depth of about 1.5 cm.

Organic fertilizer of cow dung

Soaking and treating the seeds is very important for planting carrots. Carrot seeds should be soaked in water at least twenty-four hours before sowing. Even after planting, nutrients and water should be given intermittently. Carrot seeds take twelve to fifteen days to germinate and appear. The crop ripens in about three months and is ready for harvesting. Cow dung manure is very important in carrot cultivation if good yield is to be taken.

Carrot cultivation
Carrot cultivation

The crop will come in ninety days

Carrots can be planted in this season and the crop will ripen in about 90 days. Carrots are suitable for sale as there is a good demand for it in the market and hence you can earn a lot of profit by selling it. If this is done, the yield of carrots can be more than eight to ten tonnes per hectare. The market price of carrots is thirty to fifty rupees per kilo. This means that profits worth lakhs of rupees can be easily earned on one acre of land.

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