These dangerous insects are fatal for the thriving crops, adopt these measures immediately

Dangerous Insects for Crops: Grain is already beginning to arrive for millet farming. The farmers are now rather angry since, in addition to the grains, the Phadka kit has begun devouring their crops. In actuality, this equipment is ruining the millet harvest. The farmers of Bharatpur are now furious as a result. Bharatpur’s farmers use a variety of traditional medicine on their fields, such as sprinkling neem leaves. However, it isn’t working as intended.

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This insect’s outbreak in crops

According to farmer Indal Singh, there is a Phadka bug infestation in several parts of Bharatpur, and the insects are consuming crops like sorghum and millet, causing them to be destroyed. It weakens the crop’s stem, leaves, and trees. The crops are severely harmed by this. According to farmer Indal Singh, we spoke with Agriculture Department representatives, and they suggested that we use a variety of pesticides.

Use This Insecticide

Speaking with Suresh Gupta, the assistant director of the agriculture department, he informed the media report that this pest is found in crops like sorghum and millet, which are initially controlled. This insect is eradicated if farmers use a variety of pesticides to their crops from the outset. According to Suresh Gupta, a medication known as Chloropyriphos SEC is sold in the market to suppress this pest. This bug will die if it is sprayed on the crops, protecting them from harm.

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